Visionary Leadership Fund

Frequently Asked Questions

Can my organization receive funding if we only provide direct service to women and/or girls and do not have a social change component?
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Can my organization receive a grant from both the Valentine Foundation and the Valentine Fund for Visionary Leadership?
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My organization recieved a Valentine Leadership Fund grant last year.  Can we re-apply for funding for the same Nominated Individual(s) this year?

Yes, in the grant application you will be asked to describe how a continuation or repeat grant will benefit your organization and the Nominated Individual(s).

Is funding available to support leadership development for board members?
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Who should be completing the grant application?
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May individual leaders apply, independent of a nonprofit organization?
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Is it acceptable to propose nominating an individual for a leadership program or course that is not one of the previously funded?
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Where can I find information about the grants awarded in the past?
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Will the Fund for Visionary Leadership provide tuition support for a graduate degree program?
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Will funding be provided for men working in non-profits that serve women and girls?
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Who can I contact if I have questions about eligibility or other questions about the application?
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Will there be an information session for potential applicants?
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We want a whole team to participate in the leadership initiative, but the application only has space for three Nominated Individuals. Can we have a whole team participate? If yes, how should we complete the application?
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What is an Aspiring Leader?
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