Valentine Foundation

2013 Grantees

Browse Grantees by Year

$150,000—Valentine Foundation Grants

$25,319—Visionary Leadership Fund Grants

$1,000—Retiring Trustee Grants

$176,319—Total 2013 Valentine Foundation Awards

2013 Valentine Foundation Grants

Organization Name Project Title Social Change Indicator Amount Awarded
ACLU Foundation of Pennsylvania ‘Do you have to tell my Mom?’ Minors, Health Care and the Law Shift in Engagement $8,000
Camp Sojourner To partner with the Girls Justice League to bring young Philadelphian girls into policy making and organizing around the issues of poverty that impact them and their families every day Shift in Engagement $5,000
ChildSpace Cooperative Development General Operating Shift in Engagement $10,000*
Community Legal Services Vulnerable Worker Project Shift in Engagement $10,000
Delaware Valley Association for the Education of Young Children (DVAEYC) Advocacy and leadership development for high quality early learning for all children Shift in Engagement $9,000
Friends of Farmworkers To expand and deepen their platicas program, which builds the participation of women farm and other low-wage workers in developing strategies to solve their most pressing problems Shift in Engagement $8,000**
Girls Justice League Project on the Status of Girls and Young Women Shift in Definition $12,000
Hollaback Philly Public Awarness Campaign to End Street Harassment Shift in Definition $10,000
PA Prison Society Cross Agency Approach to Health Education for Incerserated Women Shift in Policy $10,000****
PathWays PA Advocacy focused on earned sick days issue Shift in Engagement $9,000
Philadelphians Organized to Witness, Empower & Rebuild (POWER) Economic Justice Campaign for Philadelphians Shift in Engagement $11,000
SEAMAAC, Inc. Safe Families Program Shift in Definition $10,000***
Trans Oral History Project For the I Live for Trans Education toolkit and curriculum to center te lived experience of transgender people in the history of social justice organizing Shift in Engagement $10,000
Women Against Abuse, Inc. Planning for Coordinated Community Response to Domestic Violence Shift in Policy $9,000
Women’s Community Revitalization Project Housing Crisis Mayoral Campaign Shift in Policy $9,000
Women’s Law Project General Operating Current Position Maintained $10,000*****
Total 2013 Valentine Foundation Grants $150,000
* Second payment of a two-year grant
** First payment of a three-year grant
*** First payment of a two-year grant
**** Final Payment of a two-year grant
***** Final Payment of a three-year grant

2013 Visionary Leadership Fund Grants

Organization Name Project Title Amount Awarded
Bridge of Hope, National Leadership Grant for Edith Yoder $6,336
Girls Rock Philly Leadership Grant for Diane Foglizzo $6,000
Sister Cities Girlchoir Leadership Grant for Alysia Lee $6,500
The Enterprise Center Leadership Grant for Aleea Slappy $5,750
Supportive Older Women’s Network Leadership Grant for Mayu Nakamura $733
Total 2013 Visionary Leadership Fund Grants $25,319

2013 Retiring Trustee Grants

Organization Name Project Title Amount Awarded
Anna Crusis Women’s Choir Retiring Trustee Grant $500
Women’s Medical Fund Retiring Trustee Grant $500
Total 2013 Retiring Trustee Grants $1,000

Browse Grantees by Year